Thursday, February 12, 2009

oh oh oh oh oh oooooooh

I can't believe it's thursday. That's what I get for having a social life I guess. That and a tv. Don't get anything done between the two of them.

So yesterday I went to the gym again to workout. This time I brought my little brother. We did this crazy stepper machine that's more like an elliptical, but with ridiculous incline. I liked it. I worked (compared to an elliptical, my HR actually went up!). I did 15 minutes. Ugh. But we wanted to do some weight things (what's the point in having a partner if you're not going to use him as a human shield to not be nervous in the weight area?) So we hit the weight floor. And mostly wandered around again. (I didn't have a chance to look a workout to do from my New Rules of Lifting for Women yet). My brother recently lost a ton of weight, just from having to cook for himself and buy his own groceries (when he moved away from home). I think now he wants to build some muscle. But he has no experience with that at all. He was the heavy kid all through school so never really into sports or anything. More the video game nerd. So he doesn't know stuff the way I know stuff (though he was very helpful at computer problems.)

So I tried to explain how the free weight things were better than machines. Yet I was too chicken to go do squats or anything. Did leg presses instead. And even though he's a guy, my bro couldn't really do much heavier weights than me. I'm not sure if he felt bad about that or not. I AM crazy strong as we all know. ;) We did some cable exercises. Not too much. I had a deadline.

Unfortunately the lunch I packed wasn't enough and I ate my sandwich in the afternoon. So I needed another supper option. Sis made perogies and smokies. I had like 4 perogies with low fat sour cream, and like a 3" sausage. And corn. Much bigger than a pb sandwich. But probably not a terrible meal.

I ate less at the little party than planned I think. Only a few veggies and hummus, a bit of goat cheese and crackers. But I did have a brownie. It was really good. I'm glad I had it, even though it wasn't in the plan. Some things are just worth it.

anyway, the ladies group got ironed out a bit. We might be calling it a "team" instead. My sister wanted to know who's idea the whole thing was, and on the drive over she asked "so who's the team captain?". I love the team name. Then I can just say I'm going to a "team meeting". Very discreet but cool sounding. Not instantly associated with a knitting bee or anything like "ladies group" is.

My month is July, we decided that whoever's the host for the month, plans the activities. It could be pole dancing or video games or baking cookies. Anything you want. My sister's going to do a wine tasting in March. Not sure what I'm going to do yet. It's friday night (usually, unless it doesn't work out for somebody's activity). I originally thought I'd teach Step and comp everyone into the gym or something. But the end of July seems like it should be a more summery thing. I have time to think on it still.

That's about it! Tonight I feel like I have catching up to do. Housework, mailing a thank you card, downloading the new episode of Lost (catching up on the last week one!). A treadmill interval workout. I also have to pay for my step training still (nobody was there yesterday to take my cheque!). I just emailed the girl about some questions about teaching another class as well. Not sure if I can really handle all this, especially since I'm planning on getting myself knocked up in the semi-near future! ;)

Oh, and lunch today is also not going to be as planned. I forgot my dad was in town and going to take me out for lunch. Yay! I'll avoid the fries and greasy sandwiches and try and stick to a salad or something light like that.


Jen said...

Your ladies "team"! sounds like so much fun!!!
I loved when me and my friends did our clothing fact I miss the monthly get togethers!!!

That's awesome that your brother is doing so good!!! AND that you had a partner to go to the gym with!!!!

I love the idea of your Step aerobic "team meeting" in July!! You could do it outside even!

Anonymous said...

The team sounds like tons of fun! And that is so nice you and your brother could work out together.

Love perogies and sausages.

Angela Power said...

Yeah I wanna do a ladies "team" thing! Sounds fun!

Enjoy your lunch with your Dad!

(Oh and I swear I'm not a drunk like my FB pics would suggest! There was a lot of weddings and associated partying last year! :-D)

Vanessa said...

Your team sounds like so much fun!

Are you part of the FB group for the Toronto G2G? If so, you should add me on FB...

Pretty sure I'm the only Vanessa in that group :)

Anonymous said...

New Rules of Lifting for Women is a fantastic book - I am following the programs in there myself right now. The programs and exercises in there really do help with being more comfortable with the free weights. Learn to back squat - you will love it! There are tons of good pics and points on form for how to do all the exercises so that you will be less unsure of yourself.