Thursday, June 28, 2007

Another brick wall

Well no not brick, probably cardboard. Another cardboard wall. Last night I was planning on doing my cardio, going for a jog, and doing a new video I got. However, our car was in the shop so hubby had to pick me up and I couldn't go home until he did (we live outside of town so he had to come in to get me) and he was meeting friends for supper at a bar. Ok, I did great (I usually do in this sort of circumstance) had a cobb salad and diet coke. Good. But after that he wanted to go look at a truck he wants to get and then we finally drove back home. So it was already 9:45 when we got home and I go to bed at 10:00. so no time for exercise. I guess I could have gotten up early today and worked out, but I already was getting up early since I had to drop hubby off at work before I could go to work with our now 1 car. So I felt that was just too much. Now tonight I am DEFINATELY WORKING OUT!!! If I yell it it will come true. But I've also got to pack and get ready for the weekend. So busy me! I'm taking half day tomorrow cause I have to get my hair cut and we've gotta leave by 4. Does this emotional rollercoster happen to anyone else: you are so excited to get your hair cut but then as it gets close you worry because you don't have a plan for what you want it to look like but then they wash your hair and you remember how much you like this. But then they put that cape tight around your neck so it's completely unflattering and you can't see anything but your double chins and fat neck and your hair is slicked back so it looks like junk. So you feel sad cause even if this is the best hair cut in the world you'll look ugly. Then they start cutting and you make uncomfortable small talk, but you can see that they know what they're doing and hair grows out after all. Then you think, yeah this is ok, but I wish they'd *insert hair technique here*. and then they turn you away for a minute from the mirror and turn you back and wham! you're gorgeous! but since you didn't get to see exactly what they did, you'll never be able to do it at home. But now you're on top of the world! You look awesome! there's a spring in your step as you get out of the chair, just gushing to the hairdresser, and in that state of euphoria, you pay for the cut walk out of the salon and down the street. It's only at the end of the day you look at that receipt and realize that feeling cost you sooo much money. Or is that just me? ;) Actually I love getting my hair cut, but I do go through all of that! Pretty excited about it, because I've got a grad to go to tomorrow night, so I'll still have my pretty hairdresser hair! Yay!
A small possible victory this week though - informal weigh in - back to 150.6. And I comfort myserf knowing that I've got some weird female thing going on that might be retaining a big of water on me. Sometimes you can drop pounds when you're doing everything bad! Weird! Not that that's a get out of jail free card!
A nice hard workout tonight and I think I'm going to be pleased with how I look this weekend. It's always the big events that are milestones you know? And where am I goign to be on this scale? Short sleeves - yes, tank tops - yes, dresses - yes, shorts - no, bikini - not yet! You know how you can hate everything you try on? Well at least it shouldn't be like that! yay mini-victories!
For some reason I feel like I can't just sign off of here yet. Like I need to say something else. No idea what though! So I might be back...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the exact same hairdresser experience to a T. Wow. I thought I was the only one. Have fun with your events this weekend. If you feel great, others will see this. Good luck!