Monday, July 23, 2007

Back to the grind

Hey, so the wonderful weekend is over. Ho hum. We ended up going home saturday night to show the puppy to our parents. Funny story, hubby called Daisy and said, come on Daisy and meet Gran- i mean laurie. about my mom. My mom doesn't want to be a dog's grandma. I don't really want to be a dog's mom. (encourage family resemblance jokes, or b*tch doesn't fall far from the tree jokes, no thanks.) But when she showed her to hubby's mom she went up to Daisy and said, "hello Daisy, I'm your grandma!" I have 2 very different mothers.
Anyway, it was also a billion degrees all weekend. So Saturday I just cleaned house while hubby was at work and watched movies. (we dont' have AC). Then sunday with all the visiting and not getting home until late, I didn't get my Sunday workout in. I know I know. I should have planned better. Done it Saturday cause I knew I wouldn't have time on Sun. But I didn't. And I don't want to do it today because I've got strength again tomorrow and want at least 1 day off in between. So I had one blip. But that's not really bad is it? I think I might have been ambitious only having 1 day off all week. Should have probably called Sundays workout optional. It's hard on weekends because there's no routine. So I think since I made the darn thing up, I'm changing it, to optional. And if I do do it, then I have to come up with some kind of reward that's not food. Maybe rent a movie. That's minor but still sort of a treat.
Anyway, this morning as it's supposed to be 33 degrees C today and humid, I went for my run already this morning. Yay me! This way, tonight is home free! I can go for a walk if I want, or I can just sit in front of the fan. Sweet.
I got that first big wedding this weekend. I'm pretty excited. Talked to the bride in email on the weekend. She's getting excited. And I finally figured out what to get her for a present. Bocce balls. Anybody know what these are or is it a local thing? It's kinda like lawn bowling but it's not for old people and it's good for afternoon's at the lake with a beer. I think it should be good. They've got a tiny backyard but it comes in a case so it's portable. Plus, I hate to say it, but it was cheap and looks expensive. Costco $35 for the fancy ceramic balls in a stainless steal suitcase thing. Looks at least $50. (which is what I wanted to spend but everything on their registry is so over priced so I could have got them a $40 martini shaker and a corkscrew for $50 but it looks like $20!) So I'm going to try and eat really well all week and stick to my plan so wedding will be my skinniest.
Speaking of which, I had a pretty bad weekend for eating. fast food burger friday supper and again Saturday this time with fries. Chips saturday night. A cooler sunday (I'm finding it hard to tell people that I don't really want to drink! this was with my parents for crying out loud!) and big supper of potatoes and pork chops and beans. Luckily all snacks sunday were fruit and fruit salad.
But I did invent something that's totally delicious and I think healthy. It's a smoothie here's my recipe:
a big scoop (1/2 cup) cottage cheese (sounds gross but stay with me)
1 cup (plus?) frozen fruit from costco (strawberries, grapes, peaches, pineapple etc)
little bit of vanilla yogurt

I'm sorry the measurements suck but if I measure I find it boring. But this tastes like liquid cheesecake. Something like that. If you don't put much yogurt and ice (which waters it down) in it you could totally fill a pie crust or something and refreeze it, it would be AMAZING! Plus that's not bad for you is it? It'll be a little bit of a minimeal, maybe 250 calories? Don't know. It cools you off good though! And I'm not really a fan of milkshakes either.

Oh yeah...and I told y'all that I was going to probably weigh in again today. Well it said 145.8. So that's 1.4 lbs in 3 days. I know that's not real weight. It was vacation plumbing (I'm not getting in to it) and the alcohol and burgers and everything. It'll disappear (if you say it 3 times it comes true right?) Anyway, i'm doing pretty good I guess despite the minigain. Still, even if I used today as my weigh in and ignored friday, it's still a loss (only .2 but still...).
Ok good, I hope everyone's weekend was OP, and if it wasn't I hope it was fun and you're back now!


Anonymous said...

That shake sounds bloody YUM. Am off to buy the ingredients...

Candace MacPherson said...

Not sure about the cottage cheese, but I may just try it one of these days...
Glad you had a good weekend

Tigerlilly said...

Ok... so I'm gonna try your shake, but I'm gonna have to turn my head when I'm putting the cottage cheese in! LOL

Get your ass in gear and work off those burgers and fries! Want some help? I put up a 'last week of july' challenge.. go check it out!

Unknown said...

That shake sounds good.......gonna have to try that one!! Sounds like your weekend was fun and I am so with you on the wedding registry stuff - geez, I hate shopping for stuff like that cause I feel like such a cheapskate but god a $40 martini shaker is too much!

katieo said...

Love bocce ball!