Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Don't you ever just want to wait?

I'm talking about wait until summer to lose weight. That stupid idea has been running around my head periodically for a few days. I was remembering when I would run every single day OUTSIDE, sometimes getting up before work and going. Now I can barely get myself dressed before work. I was also remembering the fresh strawberries and eating salads and enjoying them. Winter and cold makes me crave hot food and doughy things. I remember how much weight I was losing in the summer and how easy it seemed.

I just keep thinking how much easier it would be to just kind of go on hold right now and pick up and repair damage come the summer. I KNOW IT'S STUPID! But i'm still thinking like that sometimes. I am finding myself with time at the end of each day sort of just wandering around. (don't hate me, I don't have kids and can't just watch tv, what am I supposed to do?) Even though I went to the gym already (t and th) I suppose I could workout again. But the thing is, I don't want to do strength stuff because they're my recovery days. And our elliptical is kinda broken and squeaks really loud so if there's anybody else home I don't want to use it and bother them when they're watching tv or whatever. But you know what I could do? Yoga or pilates dvds. The problem is I like to multitask and do things while I watch tv or bake or something. But I suppose I could just try and relearn the routine and do it in front of the tv. We've also got a little portable dvd player that I can have the exercise stuff on, and then have Corner Gas or whatever anybody else wants to watch on the big tv. I know that's dumb but I need to multitask! NEED TO! Somebody remind me of this on friday. (tonight is class, tomorrow is my night of single tasking during grey's anatomy)

So wanna hear what I did yesterday? of course you do, that's why you're reading my blog! So I went to the gym. I told Kitty I was gonna try her type of HIIT, (with big incline and slower speed increases then repeat) but I couldn't handle it. I just can't run slower and I can't keep up my pace with a big incline. So I put on a medium incline (I usually have none) of 2.5% and did my kind of intervals, (which are 10.5 km/hr for 2 minutes then 13+km/hr for 1 minute, repeat.) the thing is these were more effective outside since I just would sprint as fast as I could, whereas I don't know how fast that is to set the treadmill too, let me tell you it's faster than 14 km/hr but I'm too scared to put it faster (so far...) in case I fly off there or something. But I did like doing them with the incline. I did a warm up with a higher incline (5%) so moving it back down to 2.5 felt like flat.

And then I did my chin ups. And I sucked. That's what you get for taking a week off of them. Plus being slightly sore from monday's workout still. I could only do like 6 with 30 lb counterweight twice then 7 with 50 lbs. Boo me. But of course when things are hard that's when they're most effective so I guess yay me. Just disappointing that everything seems hard these days (squats in class kill me lately, wtf?)

But I came home, hubby had made soup and fried balogna sandwiches. I don't like balogna so I had ham and cheese grilled. I would have made 2 but I remembered that's dumb, these aren't healthy and it's not a treat day. So I had just 1 sandwich and a whole shwack of coleslaw (light homemade dressing). I still felt like I needed dessert after that so I had a yogurt. Normally I would have served myself a bowl of unmeasured yogurt from the big container. But I knew that was wrong so I just ate one of my lunch yogurt cups (40 calories). Victory is mine!

Then guess what I did. You'll be so impressed/disappointed. I make some Christmas baking. I made chocolate truffle things. Didn't eat one! (did however lick my fingers a few times so that's the equivalent of like 1. But the thing is, I don't think they're terrible for you. Here are the ingredients if you want to make them yourself, they're really really good:

8 squares chocolate (I used 4 squares and 1 cup chocolate chips)
1/2 cup peanut butter
2 cups of cool whip (I used the light kind)
icing sugar.

So you melt the chocolates, mix in the peanut butter, let it cool a little bit (room temp) and then mix in the cool whip (thawed). Put it in the fridge for 1 hour to harden. Then form into little balls and roll in icing sugar. (might need to keep putting them in the fridge so they're easier to roll and not so messy). then Ta da! They taste so fancy and bad for you, but it's just cool whip, not like heavy cream or something. Plus they're chocolate and peanut butter! YUM! The recipe said it made only like 13, but I must have rolled tiny balls because it made like 4 dozen at least. The only downside is you need to keep them in the fridge and I hate that. there's never any room. So I froze them all. Ready for parties or gifts. yay!

Yesterday at noon I went shopping (I'm trying to buy some Grey Cup Rider stuff but it's not in stores yet, I'm sure it's going to sell out fast though). so I ate my lunch cold. I dont' like to be gone for an hour over lunch and then come back and use the microwave so everyone knows I'm only eating now and taking an extra long lunch (even if I work at the same time - which I don't though). But today I'm also going to go out at noon and shop for baby stuff. So I think I might eat my soup first (cold pea soup? no thanks!).

As for baby stuff to buy, they didn't know it was gonna be a girl so I'll get something girly, also they weren't expecting her 'til after Christmas so I'll get some kind of baby's first Christmas thing or a santa hat or something. I was thinking of making them this big basket of stuff but I just don't have time for that, plus I'll save that for a shower present or something. I might get them a gift certificate for M&M meat shops (which sells lasagnas and ready made roasts and kabobs and all kinds of stuff) But at the same time it's so easy for me to make something instead. and cheaper.

Oh and guess what? SIL moved her wedding date up to Oct 2008 (was 2009) and I'm not sure but I think I'm in the wedding party. The timing couldn't be perfecter huh? 2008 is my summer in a bikini and now I've got something else to stay in shape for after summer. So now I'm going to have a few goals set up for 2008. January - March 21 (my birthday)will probably be similar to now (finish those last 10 lbs). Then until end of June (Hogfest, first major summer event) will be get bikini ready. Summer will be a maintain and fitness goals (maybe triathalon? just any kind of race?) Then September - October will be to get wedding ready. You know how I like to have goals and deadlines. These will be good ones. (think of it like training, if you were an athlete you'd train to be in peak performance for certain events, the dates don't move for those. Neither will the dates for Hogfest or her wedding, and you wanna look good for those. Then in the "off season" you get to relax a little bit until you have to train for the next "event") As long as I stay within like 5ish lbs of goal should be good.

Ok, that's it. I should do some work today.


Amy said...

Post-bikini motivation? Awesome!

I understand wanting to wait until it's warmer to start losing weight. Give yourself a few weeks to get adjusted to this sh*tty weather and get movin'! You know you'll be so much happier come spring that you stuck with it!

Your workouts are supposed to be hard and challenging. It means you're doing something right!

Hope things look up for you soon! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

hey girl,
i just wanted to give you my wi for the last couple of weeks since they are not on the spreadsheet. week 9 -1.5, week 10 +1, this week (week 11) -3) total loss during the challenge 10lbs. thanks have a good day!!

Kelly said...

im the same way....always trying to find an excuse to take a break. but you know what, even if we don't lose, its better to maintain right now than to gain 10 lbs and have to lose that too. ya know? thats how i look at it anyway. but yea, i totally use the "its cold and i will be wearing a lot of layers and a jacket all the time" excuse for not caring if my pants are getting a little snug! haha

katieo said...

Yeah, go ahead and wait! Do it.

(then maybe i can finally catch and pass you!!)

Tammy said...

I agree with Kelly--it's ok to wait to lose, just doing gain during that time. This is a tough time of the year to lose--no doubt about that. Just don't push as hard as you have been and as it starts getting nicer outside, pick up the pace. And on the days when you feel motivated, go for it! I think you know what you need to do to maintain and make healthy choices, so do that and don't beat yourself up if you slip up now and then. Only do that if you slip up ALL THE TIME, LOL. I'm sure you'll do great!

sherijung said...

OK, I'm going to kick your butt--get it to the gym, girl! Sure, it's hard to lose with the weather being crappy, no fresh fruit, and too many sweets. That's when you have to really bust it out and sweat, nearly every darn day. And when you're feeling at loose ends and wanting to bake, eat an apple(they are fabulous right now) and to do a DVD workout.Think about signing up for a half marathon for spring, so you'll have something to train for.

OK, end of nagging session.