Monday, July 28, 2008

dear anonymous

wow, if you find it so hard to like me, then by all means, don't read my blog! Plus anonymous comments are immature. If you don't want to be associated with your own words, then maybe keep them to yourself?

I don't claim to be perfect. I know one of my big faults is the "my way is right so your way isn't" attitude. Hubby and I have talked about this in the past. And HE is the first one to point out that on many of the issues, the reason it sucks for him so much, is because I AM right. I know I especially come across like that on my blog, but hey psst - most of it's a joke because I think it's funny. (plus I am awesome and the total queen bee) ;)

I have more but I don't feel the need to defend myself and my compromise abilities to you any more. I have plenty of people who think I'm nice, that frankly I don't care if you do or not. (nor did I ever enter any nice contests, NICE isn't necessarily what I try to be.)

Tash pointed out one funny thing (posting anonymously to tell me to grow up) and I just thought of another, telling me to be nicer in a mean comment!


tash said...

I love the telling you to be nicer in a mean comment! Poor anonymous is such a hippocrate!

Cat said...

Omg - This exact thing happened to me recently, and that's EXACTLY how I felt! If you don't like my freaking blog, then DON'T READ IT!!!!

We don't claim to be perfect at all times, so why do people feel the need to be nasty? Like the wise Tash told me after my rant about anonymous meanies....IT's YOUR blog, you can say whatever the hell you want to, and if someone doesn't like it, they can screw off....

I'm SO with you on this post.

Adora said...

So funny. You know, I find myself reading your blog simply because you are honest and sometimes say things that do get a rise out of me. And I take it as just that...good entertainment! It's way more fun to read someone else's opinion even though I don't agree with you on everything (because I'm always right, ahem) ;)

Anonymous has quite the nerve considering they have every right NOT to read your blog.

But seriously, if I can give you one tiny piece of advice...put off making babies until you and hubby can work some things out. You've got plenty of time for that later on. :D

Unknown said...

i think you are absolutely fantastic :-)

Carolyn said...

Woot woot!
I love you're I'm Always Right attitude, wouldn't be you without it!

Anonymous said...

and it is YOUR BLOG :)

restating the OBVIOUS but it's so, well, obvious :)


Anonymous said...

love youuuu.

Sara said...

it's your blog, your journal, yours yours yours!!

Crissy Rae said...

write whatever you want, girl. if anonymous doesn't like it, he/she should stop freaking reading it (pretty simple concept). we think you're awesome!

Angela Power said...

Holy I missed out on all of this! I can't way to get home and have time to catch up!

I'm gonna punch anonymous in the nose if I see them! ;-)