Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Another reason to workout - with weights!

Which would you sooner look like when you're a grandma?

Option A: An 86 year old woman who just went across a zipline or something. (didn't really read the article and mean no offence to this woman)...

Or Option B? An 86 year old body builder. (and she's only started at 73!)


sherijung said...

Are those my only options? The weight lifter lady scares me! I get your point that she looks amazing for 86, but the white haired lady still looks pretty trim, and, well, grandmotherly. I mean, I want my grandkids to want to come sit in my lap and not be afraid I'm going to snap them in half! Hah!

Sonya said...

Damn...I need to start lifting weights more!

Lindsay said...

oh wow...
lol i think i would go with the white haired lady, the other lady scares me :)

Carolyn said...

Seriously that woman is 86????? That is insane. She does look a little scary though. Like she's made of plastic or something. I'm with Sheri, I want another option. I want the white hair with the ugly sweaters and the elastic waist pants and I want to bake cookies for my grandkids when they come over. The second lady looks like she might bodyslam her grandkiddies!! :)