Friday, October 10, 2008

Excuse me?

So I really don't understand what happened. I gained 1 lb to 138. Yesterday I was at 137.2. I did eat much later than usual only finishing supper at 8:00. And I didn't workout (but that doesn't usually have an immediate effect, more long term). And I'm sick. Could that have something to do with it? I ate well yesterday. I guess there are always things like that we don't understand.

so I gained 1 lb.

I was feeling bad so I did measurements to compare to a couple weeks ago (when I bought the dress and was freaking out that it didn't fit.) I'm down 1/2 an inch in my belly button and waist, and 1 1/4 inches from my ribs! Yet my weight on both measurement days was 138. So at least I'm making progress. I think it's probably unreasonable to expect to lose any more inches in just 1 week. (though gaining is possible! being careful!) Though I know my body can tighten up even after a day of working out hard (which I will be to keep this belly in check!)

Anyway, I went shopping yesterday with my sister right? the only thing I bought was cold medicine. We were looking at shoes mostly. Me for with the dress, her for some every day booties. Found LOTS, but I'm too cheap and she's too fussy. I'll probably borrow her shoes for the wedding assuming they fit. Saw a bunch of shirts too, but it's too big of a step for me to buy most of them for work. (I'd look dressed up! today i'm wearing walmart jeans, a tank top and a bunnyhug - i mean hoody).

I have had something in my eye for the last 24 hours, I cannot find it and it is SO irritating. Yesterday I wiped it so much I took off all the make-up from that eye. looked funny.

I didn't workout last night because when I got home at 7:30, hubby was fixing a leak in our kitchen sink so I had to help him there for awhile, then I ate. Then Grey's was on and I felt so tired and sick I just went to bed after. I think that's probably just as good for me as exercise.

Anyway, things are a bit busy at work (for like the next 2 hours, then slow for the rest of the day I'm sure) so I'll probably write more later. If not - have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Angela Power said...

Down in inches is really the goal I would think. The scale can be deceiving, so I'd be happy that you're down in inches. I was watching a Jillian Michael's blurb somewhere the other day and she said that sometimes the difference between her ripped abs and not is as easy as a few beers or something to that effect, so I would imagine at your weight the same idea could be true, especially where you said you can tighten up with a good hard workout.

Down any measurable about in size in one week is something to celebrate for sure!

Yeah you totally know what I was going to rant about - but I did prepare my own supper even through her rediculous pouting, although I still ended up having a few wings she made on top of it, so I feel like i defeated the purpose.