Thursday, November 8, 2007


Oh I'm frustrated. Those 2 lbs I blamed on that burger (sodium and fat?) well they're still here! Grr! I sweated like crazy last night too trying to banish them.

But I also ate 3 cookies.

Why did I make cookies?

For hubby's hunting trip. oh yeah. And I set aside 4 cookies for me to keep and the rest he gets to take. But I wasn't supposed to eat 3 at once, and before he's even left. But it's ok, at least I've only got 1 more and then no more cookies. I can deal with that.

I made the spaghetti and meat sauce last night. just canned sauce. But I put a can of beans in it too! Mashed em up and you'd never know they were there! Genius! Then I dished myself some spaghetti into a mini load pan, and then loaded the sauce on (cooked tomatoes are good for you), I cut some mozza slices, like the amount I would find reasonable for a snack (maybe equivalent of 2 or 3 string cheeses) mixed half of them with the spaghetti and put the other half on top, microwaved it for 1 minute. Low and behold, individual, portion controlled spaghetti! And it looked totally professional and cute like a little Martha thing. So even though I thought it was all portion controlled I still got way too full eating it. I could only do about half. It was really good. I don't know if I was off on estimating a portion size or if the beans in there filled me up that much more but I still felt the same as I do after every spaghetti meal. Maybe that's just what it does to me. I felt this ball in my stomach that made me think I pigged out. So that may have contributed to keeping those lbs around.

Then after class since I said I could have something if I still wanted afterward, and I wanted to stay up and watch election coverage (my guys won, change in leadership first time in 16 years!) I also made myself some toast. with peanut butter. and honey. 2 slices (at least it was small french loaf slices, not normal sized bread). But that's like a second supper! too much food! So again, leading to those 2 lbs hanging out another day. 141 something. Boo. I want the 139s back!

I think that often happens to me. I eat reasonably well on the weekends. Food may not be as good but portions are small and fewer meals (sleeping in). Eat really well early in the week. Then mid week I go nuts for some reason. May have to do with compensating for intense workouts. May be I can only handly being "good" for so long!

Today lunch was going to be chili again with my fruit and veggies, however my mom is in town and she's taking me out. I'll probably get a wrap or salad. It's easy to eat well with mom since she has to because of her cholesterol. It will be restaurant portions however but I'll try and watch it. Hubby leaves after work today so supper will be on my own, I'll probably have my chili then.

Work is so sweet right now. I'm basically doing a copy paste thing that's gonna take all day so I can just day dream and catch up on podcasts I've been too busy for all week.

i'm probably doing a Christmas baking exchange with some of my girlfriends where you each make like 10 dozen of something and then exchange with 10 girls so you get an assortment. I'm so excited about that. Not that I'll have 10 dozen things. But I just love Christmas baking (the act) and giving baking and making it look all pretty. I'll probably give a lot of my 10 dozen assorted away as well. Even last year I had tons of baking and it took me forever to get rid of it all so I gave a lot away. It's about the giving people! (in the most selfish way of course, because it makes you look so caring and sweet!)

Anyway, maybe we should do that in the Christmas Challenge. No not mail around dozens of Christmas baking. But do the recipe thing. But the catch is, it has to be a better for you option. What do you think? You can do your own fix (like splenda instead of sugar or whatever) on a family favorite, find one on line (but you should have tried it), or make one up from scratch. What do you think? Comment me yay or nay.
(also feel free to email if you'd like a Christmas card from yours truly)


Unknown said...

No worries about the 2 pounds - we all fluctuate so much from day to day - I have a feeling it will flee soon. Besides - spaghetti ALWAYS makes me feel like a cow for some reason. Mayb I eat too much of it - I dunno - but I swear it inflates me for a day or two.

sherijung said...

3 cookies...oh the humanity! Just kidding, I know how dangerous cookies can be, those little pieces of fat and sugar goodness.

Your spaghetti concoction sounds yummy, do you do whole wheat pasta? I find that it doesn't taste any different than regular pasta, and Costco carries some whole wheat spaghetti now so it doesn't dent my wallet too bad.

Angela Power said...

Pfffft on the teedering 139-140. I've decided that even though my goal is 150 presently, once I even get into the 150's it will make me feel better, because it'll only be the single digit at the end to deal with! lol

I think Carolyn mentioned something a few weeks ago about encouraging people to share healthier christmas treat recipes and I think it's a great idea. I made a caramel square recipe a while ago and I cut the sugar in half by substituting half splenda. Each squasre still ended up being 2 points, but better than 3 or 4. You could kind of notice the splenda but they were pretty good still considering. I'll make them again in December and post them!

I'm totally into cooking and baking lately too and it's the cause of my crappy WI's. Simply logic, but hard to get my head where it's so dumb!

Swizzlepop said...

I know you don't do WW but how do you log your food? Do you use SParkPeople or Fitday or DailyPlate or one of those site to log your calories or do you guesstimate? The reason I ask is because you always mention calories in a guessing way and I'm wondering if your guesstimates may be off which is why you're not losing. Or you aren't eating enough protein for your muskles (spelled like that on purpose) since you work out so much. With all your workouts you should be losing more unless you are just getting super lean, which is also possible but still.
Just wondering.