Thursday, April 17, 2008

A long run

So yesterday at the gym I did a long slow run, about 7k. Well I tried. I have such a problem going slow. A nice slow comfortable pace was 10.0 km/hr but I couldn't let myself go like that, I had to throw in a couple 10.5s and 11s and ended up settling at 10.3. A 10 km/hr pace would give me exactly 30 minutes for a 5k and 1 hr for a 10k, and I just can't handle those numbers. Why i don't know. No matter what I run it will be a personal best as it's my first race! whatever.

I also had to interrupt myself and have a bathroom break. Odd I know considering it wasn't that long, but I thought it would be better to be comfortable on a long slow run. So my distance and time are guessed since the machine reset on me.

Then it was pizza time. which was good. But I ate a bit too much. They were individual pizza's, about 7 or 8 inch. I got burbon chicken which was yummy. But I ate all but 1 piece and I should have just had half of it. oh well. it's over. I'm sure I've splurged on worse things before. For example, the tim hortons muffin I ate yesterday...

Today is a swim day. Gonna try and do some kind of training thing instead of just swim for 30 minutes. I think, since the distance is pretty short, that I'll focus on technique and speed rather than endurance. And tips on how to do this would be appreciated as it's been about 13 years since I've taken speed swimming and that was the last time I was critiqued on my technique as well. (though I was a lifeguard and swimming instructor so I could teach you not to do you swim fast and properly?)

And seriously folks. SERIOUSLY! somebody give me a couple websites that sell bathing suits to canada. TELL ME! I'm just not finding time to get to the stores (not that I know where to shop in the city either, sportschek?) and how much more comfortable is bathing suit shopping on line. right? so ANSWER ME!

that's all for now. sort of dull today.


Jenn said...

Wow, this is almost a short post for you! :)
30 minutes for 5k sounds good to me. I bet you get adrenaline pumping while you do the race and that will help carry you through it.

Pizza sounds really good. It probably wasn't that bad for you.

Does Nike make bathing suits? I don't know if they ship to canada. you might have to just go to the store.

Carolyn said...

Oh. My. Dear. Lord. Randi.

I can't even BELIEVE that you don't think your public bikini ready. You are seriously nemtally insane. I look HALF as good as you do in my bikini and I'm jumping at the chance to wear mine (in a foreign country...but still!) Based on your logic, I'm not even ready to wear my bikini around my house! :) Smarten up and start wearing that bikini everywhere you go!

Sara said...

I have no recommendations for online stores sorry.

Hmmm pizza!!

I'm no help today b/c I also have no suggestions for technique and speed!! We just make up our own and then just go.

Amateur Tri Girl has a swimming website where she posts workouts and Beginner Tri has some good articles on it too. Maybe that'll help?

Marissa said...

I love how you were supposed to do a "slow" run and you couldn't stand to go that slow. Cracks me up!

eurydice said...

do you want a fashion suit? i have a bathing suite and a bikini from american apparel online. :o)

Dawn Mabry said...

I just looked at your bikini pics! WOOT WOOT!! You look great!! I hope that blister is better. Man, that looked painful.